Sunday, July 26, 2009

extraño el tiempo de ocio... mi cerebro sigue averiado después de la friega de la semana pasada y dentro de unas horas entraré a las mismas.

'Silvio's sex life: why Italians don't care' - Europe, World - The Independent

George Orwell has already said it all: "And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past', ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" But there is something more subtle going on Italy. Fifteen years ago, the Left lost its cultural hegemony, that is to say the capacity to promote its values through cinema, television, glossy magazines, through the debate in newspapers and academic circles. The Right has become the ringmaster of the new hegemony and it is culture on a different scale.

The country no longer has a public opinion, capable of reacting autonomously or making spontaneous judgements. On the contrary, Italians are immersed in a "common understanding", which is something else altogether. It is Berlusconi who is the great architect of this "common understanding" and at the same time the interpreter of its success.
[Crazy Facts] ...collection of crazy, funny and amazing facts...

[The Movie title stills collection]
I've seen a lot of movies over the years, and to prove I've sat through at least the first ten minutes of them I started making screenshots of the titles. Then my computer crashed and I almost lost them all. To save them for future generations I created this little website.
y el bonus me lo pasó J. Femat, me recordó que extraño a los niños del servicio social [A Journey into the World of Autism - Photo Essays - TIME]


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