Neon Indian [Part 3 of 3] from Ray Concepcion on Vimeo.
'should have taken acid with you'
use headphones
december, 2009
brooklyn bowl, nyc
camera | sound | editing
ray concepcion
Neon Indian [Part 3 of 3] from Ray Concepcion on Vimeo.
'should have taken acid with you'
use headphones
december, 2009
brooklyn bowl, nyc
camera | sound | editing
ray concepcion
J: concuerdo con lo que dijiste
ahora bss es puro amor
tal vez por eso me gusta :P
yo soy puro amor
tú puedes quedarte con el older-bss
cris, eres puro odio Ö
me: jaja
pero meet me in the basement y world sick manejan mi formulita ideal
J: ñe ñe ñe
en mi defensa, el orden no le va bien ni a bss ni a mí, y me gustan más las versiones en vivo:
Some days are disasters,
that you wish could just end
Other days are b--tards,
just like a bad boyfriend
But it makes me feel much worse than this
to see your face masked with a frown
I'm not telling you to smile, but don't be down.
Don't be down, my friend
Don't do your wrist any harm
You don't belong on a funny farm
And I'd rather see you in a party dress
than in a hospital gown
I'm not telling you to smile
but don't be down.
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